On the other hand, the Internet can be a treacherous place where one can be baited into anything. See the below screenshot for a view of a website where you can download a particular piece of software.
See all of the Download buttons (I count 3). Note that none of those is the correct one!
Would I expect a normal person using a computer to understand which one to click? I don't think so. To me it's obvious, but I'm not your average user.
Recently I have been spending some time with a yoga instructor, and I have to say that from the outside, remaining mindful of the body becomes an all-encompassing process that yields great rewards in spirit and energy.
Imagine if people treated their computers as their holy temple, their valuable body.
I'm still entranced by the idea that many users treat their machines so poorly, as though they are unimportant adornments to their modern life, but Zeus help me if that same computer breaks! The user bemoans and grieves the loss of their digital companion as if they could not possibly drudge on in this waking life without email and Facebook. And of course by extension I am called up and asked to work miracles, where even real miracles cannot fix the damage. Here at AvianBLUE we are only human.
Don't know what you have till you've lost it, right?
So here's to the tender care and feeding of your trusted computer:
- Tap thee lightly on the keypad, for these letters facilitate your once-hourly Facebook updates: "I'm having soo much fun sipping a latté at Starbucks!"
- Gently remove thy dust bunnies from between the finger-keys and fan-apparati using the purposeful breeze of a canned windstorm with attached straw, available at your local supplier of office doodads.
- Lay heed to the words and wisdom of your IT guru, update and upgrade often, as this is the spiritual path to computer enlightenment.
- Carry one's computer companion with the loftiness of a cloud, and set lovingly upon the clean and composed workspace.
- Tread only the clean areas of the Internet, and beware the pitfalls as described above.